Sanchin-Ryu Strong.

The art of Sanchin-Ryu
Sanchin-Ryu is an artistic form of self-defense designed specifically so that size and strength, age or athletic ability are not factors that will hold you back in your training. Taught on an individual basis, students train in a safe, non-competitive environment, allowing for a positive and uplifting study experience. To fully understand every element of personal protection and conflict resolution, we infuse three components into the lessons: physical, mental and emotional.

The benefits
Sanchin-Ryu does not participate in competitive tournaments of any kind. This philosophy allows students to grow at their own pace, not determined by others around them, thus allowing all personalities to blossom. In addition to developing highly effective self-defense skills, this approach creates a positive environment conducive to a great, safe and well-rounded experience.

Certified Instructors
Our instructors are dedicated people from your area that live by an important rule of life: "lead with your heart". Every candidate for instructor certification must go through an extensive apprenticeship before they can qualify for certification by the O.S.K.A. Once certified, each instructor must attend monthly classes and annual workshops, to further their Sanchin-Ryu training and instruction skills.

Belt Ranking System
The art of Sanchin-Ryu karate provides a full belt-ranking promotion system. All instructors are trained to evaluate each respective student's training & study progress. This on-going assessment is much deeper than the typical 'checklist-style' approach. We base all rank evaluations on each student's attendance, individual effort, attitude and character, Sanchin-Ryu understanding, and their overall growth & development. Upon readiness for promotion, the instructor gives a permission certificate to the student and their parents. After the student submits the form to Sanchin-Ryu HQ, the promotion materials will be sent to their instructor for in-class presentation. These are very special and important moments for students, so pictures of the belt promotions (held right at their normal weekly dojo) are not only welcomed, but highly encouraged!
How we work.
Get Started
1 Students sign-up for a weekly class locally through their community education system or parks and recreation, depending on the city. Congrats! You are now a Sanchinka, a student of Sanchin-Ryu karate!
Visit Any Class
2 All Sanchinkas can visit any Sanchin-Ryu class for $1. Simply bring one dollar to any class and give it to the instructor. These donated dollars are used to help families who may not otherwise be able to afford Sanchin-Ryu.
Attend Events
3 Still hungry for more? Excellent! Sanchin-ryu offers many annual events spread throughout the year. From Winter Retreat, to Campout, and even Chief Grand Master's Dojo, there is an event for all ages and ranks.