DVD Level Two (Green)


The Art of Sanchin-Ryu Karate DVD: Level Two, Green Belt
This DVD will guide you through the the last five Combined Basics Advanced (C.B.A.s) as well as the first three Forms: Sanchin-Ichi, Sanchin-Ni and Naihanchi. Every exercise was tailored specifically for Green Belts of Sanchin-Ryu. Master-level Sanchin-Ryu experts guide you through every segment with a simple, step-by-step instruction that will, once again, leave you inspired and on your feet!



The Last Five C.B.A.s: Level Two
The Last Five C.B.A.s -Fluid Form

Form of Sanchin-Ichi
Form of Sanchin-Ichi: Section I
Form of Sanchin-Ichi: Section II
Form of Sanchin-Ichi: Section III

Form of Sanchin-Ni
Form of Sanchin-Ni: Section I
Form of Sanchin-Ni: Section II

Introduction to the Form of Naihanchi

Green Belt Exercises:
Section I: Sanchin-Ni Iron Horse Conditioning
Section II: Targeting
Section III: Seisan / Hidden Foot Drills
Section IV: Fluidity Training

Bonus Extras:
Four of our best Green Belt level videos from the Sanchin-Ryu’s Online Dojo

Special Extra Bonus:
How to tie an obi (rank-belt)