DVD Level One (Orange)


The Art of Sanchin-Ryu Karate DVD: Level One
The revolutionary training concepts of the art of Sanchin-Ryu Karate, in DVD format. This instructional DVD will guide you through the beginning fundamentals of Sanchin-Ryu, giving comprehensive instruction on stances, basics, combinations, positioning and more. Master-level Sanchin-Ryu experts guide you through every segment with a simple, step-by-step instruction, that will leave you inspired and on your feet!



Lessons Include:
Introduction to Sanchin-Ryu: Level One
Stance, Star-Step and Three Star Focus: Level One
The Basic Fundamentals: Level One
The Basic Fundamentals -Fluid Form
The First Five “C.B.A.s”: Level One
The First Five “C.B.A.s” -Fluid Form
Explanation of Concept and Strategy: Level One
Sanchin Breathing: Level One
The Form of Sanchin-Ichi: Level One
Position and Direction Change: Level One
Balance Kick: Level One

Bonus Extras:
Workouts from Sanchin-Ryu’s Online Dojo including:
The Kumite Simulation and Wrist Strengthening exercises!